Connected Chicago Presents... The first episode of the "Art Speaks Louder than Words" Series, highlighting Chicago's artists across various mediums (music, painting, dance, etc.) 

In this episode we connect with Halo... an artist from the Southside who uses Hip-Hop for more than we can ever imagine. 

Art is a powerful method for Connecting ALL of Chicago.

Visit ConnectedChicago.Org to find out how you can submit your own artwork and connect Chicago through your own self-expression.

★ Visit ConnectedChicago.Org to find out how you can connect Chicago through your own self-expression. ★ Connected Chicago Presents... The "Art Speaks Louder than Words" Series, highlighting Chicago's artists across various mediums (music, painting, dance, etc.) Art is a powerful method for Connecting all of Chicago. ★ Video Credits: Michael A.